DBA Canada is pleased to have assisted in funding important research in Diamond Blackfan Anemia.
In 2023 we have assisted in funding the following research projects and anticipate funding at least 2 more projects this year.
Dr. Senthil Bhooplan's project entitled "preclinical development of lentiviral vector gene therapy for Diamond Blackfan Anemia.
Dr. Gleizes and Dr. Yu's Work on Gene Discovery.
Dr. Laura Paulette Fernandez project studying the use of brand chain amino acids to treat DBA.
Dr. Johan Flygare's project entitled "Targeted Corticosteroid Therapy for DBA".
Dr. Vijay G. Sankaran, M.D., Ph.D., Harvard Medical School, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA for the project, "Dissecting the genetic architecture of Diamond Blackfan anemia" The goal of this proposal is to mine whole exome sequencing data gathered through a collaboration with the Broad Institute at MIT/Harvard to identify novel genes responsible for DBA.